AQAR 2023-24

AQAR 2023-24 : Criteria wise Links of Supporting Documents

Title Download
3.2 Number of Sanctioned Posts DOWNLOAD
5.1.1 RSM Scholarship DOWNLOAD
5.1.1 Scholarships DOWNLOAD
5.1.1 Freeship DOWNLOAD
5.1.2 Rani Parvatidevi Sanstha Scholarship 2023-24 DOWNLOAD
5.1.2 SAF 2023-24 DOWNLOAD
5.1.2 Sanstha Research Scholarship 2023-24 DOWNLOAD
5.1.2. Institutional Scholarship DOWNLOAD
5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution DOWNLOAD
5.1.4. Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling DOWNLOAD
5.3.2. Student Council 2023-24 DOWNLOAD
5.4.1. Alummni Engagement DOWNLOAD