Institutional Distinctiveness

Institutional Distinctiveness

Institutional Distinctiveness
Institutional Distinctiveness 2023-24 Download

Our college "Shri Pancham Khemraj Mahavidyalaya" Sawantwadi. was established in the Year 1961 by Lt. Col. H. H. Shrimant Rajesaheb Shivramraje Bhonsle in the fond memory of his father Shrimant H. H. Major Sir Pancham Khemraj alias Punyashlok Bapusaheb Maharaj.

The foundation was laid on the noble and distractive philosophy of providing education to all especially to the children from deprived families hailing from the remote and distant villages.

The institution is its long journey of 50 years has grown and developed itself in to institute of repute.

Today the institution has become a landmark and leading for and in education sector in Sindhudurg district. Our college is the recipient of the 'Best College award' (in rural category), 'A' grade college in third cycle, lead college in the district, ISO Certified College.

We have achieved this success only because of institutional distinctiveness of exploring and extracting the best from student by providing him quality education, become a mentor, guiding and council him in becoming passionate professional, developing him a leader, good citizen and more over a compassionate human being.

Our college through its well-developed infrastructure provides educational environment to our students. Our classrooms are well equipped majority of them having LCD facility, smart board etc. Library is equipped with more than 54000 Books, Our Gymkhana facility has facilities of indoor games and even a shooting range. Other activities like food festival, paper bags making, phenyl preparation, vermicompost etc. help our student to developer their entrepreneurial skills.

Our support services like career development cell, placement cell councelling centre, yoga centre. health centre, skill development centre, caters to the physical, mental well being and carves out the holistic personality.

This distinctiveness makes our college and institution of choice amongst the student and other stake holders.