Program Outcomes (POs)
- PO1. :Our graduates will have critical understanding about theories and fundamental aspects of Psychology – Conceptual Clarity.
- PO2. :Our graduates will understand, analyse and communicate the needs of individual in mental health settings- Analytical and Communication Skill.
- PO3. :Our graduates will have knowledge about various Psychological assessment tools and methods and their application - Assessment Skill.
- PO4. :Our graduates will have the skill to conduct relevant research related to mental health
- Research Skill.
- PO5. :Our graduates will have competency to respond to the needs of community in a
socially responsible manner- Social Responsibility
Program Outcomes (POs) & Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- PO1. :Our graduates will have critical understanding about theories and fundamental aspects of Psychology.
- PSO1a. :Our graduates will have clarity about various theories and fundamental aspects of psychology.
- PSO1b. :Our graduates will have knowledge about issues related to the theories and their application.
- PO2. :Our graduates will understand, analyse and communicate the needs of individual in mental health settings
- PSO2a. :Our graduates will have knowledge to analyze the mental health needs of individuals with the help of theoretical knowledge and assessment tools and methods.
- PSO2b. :Our graduates will have knowledge to arrive at conclusion on the psychological issues and communicate and report with minimum errors.
- PO3. :Our graduates will have knowledge about various Psychological assessment tools and methods and their application.
- PSO3a. :Our graduates will have knowledge on theory, procedure and application of various
Psychological instruments in research and real life settings.
- PSO3b. :Our graduates will have knowledge on various methods of data collection such as interview, observation, survey and so on.
- PO4. :Our graduates will have the skill to conduct relevant research related to mental health.
- PSO4a. :Our graduates will have knowledge to formulate research problem with the help of the Faculty.
- PSO4b. :Our graduates will have the skill to design research methods to meet the objectives of the research problem with the help of Faculty.
- PO5. :Our graduates will have competency to respond to the needs of community in a socially responsible manner.
- PSO5a. :Our graduates will be sensitive to the mental health and social issues of various vulnerable groups in the community.
- PSO5b. :Our Graduates will be able to study the mental health and social needs of community using theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge developed through internship and field visits.
Course Outcomes
- CO1. :Our Graduate students will be pursuing Post Graduate Programs in Reputed institutions.